Video Sermon – The Truth About God and the Mark of the Beast


Does knowing the truth about God and His Son have anything to do with salvation, the seal of God, or the mark of the beast? This video having to do with the central doctrine of the Catholic Church, the Trinity, may shock you.

2Pe 1:3 According as his divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of him that hath called us to glory and virtue:

This is the first of eight from the camp meeting in Terra Bella that will be going up. Please like and share the youtube link.

If you would like a set of DVD’s, please email me with your address and email. The time is short and these messages are of vital importance to understanding the loud cry and latter rain message.

Also for those who desire the powerpoints, please let me know. I am putting them up online and you can ask me for a link to download them all so that we can share these messages faster than ever before.

Rom 1:25, 8 Who changed the TRUTH OF GOD into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature (BEAST) more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen…wherefore God gave them over to a REPROBATE MIND

Dies Solis – The Day of the Sun.

Q. What is Sunday, or the Lord’s Day in general?
A. It is a day dedicated by the Apostles to the honour of the most holy Trinity…..
(An Abridgment of the Christian Doctrine) of 1649, by Henry Tuberville, D.D., published by P. J. Kenedy, Excelsior Catholic Publishing House, 5 Barclay Street, New York, approved and recommended for his diocese by the Right Rev. Benedict, Bishop of Boston, April 24th, 1833, page 143.

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